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SAE Flareless Tube Fittings, 9/16-18 in. Bulkhead Locknut
Unit of Measure

Body Material

N/A Alloy 400

Connection 1 - Size

N/A 3/8 in

Component Type

N/A Bulkhead Locknut

Component Size

N/A 9/16-18

Brand Series

N/A Service Item


N/A Component

Tube OD

N/A 3/8 in


N/A .

End Connection Type

N/A SAE Flraress and 37° Flared Fitting Bulkhead Nut

Connection 1 - Type

N/A Bulkhead Nut


N/A 9/16-18


N/A 0.27 in

W Hex

N/A 13/16 in