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Tube fittings inserts reinforce the wall of flexible plastic tubing so that it can retain the shape and resistance to allow nuts and ferrules to seal on the tubing and fitting.

Tube Insert - Unilok
Unit of Measure
Items Tube Insert - Unilok
Plastic Tube Insert - Duolok
Tube Insert - Unilok
Plastic Tube Insert - Duolok
Tube Insert - Unilok
Plastic Tube Insert - Duolok
Tube Insert - Unilok
Plastic Tube Insert - Duolok
Tube Insert - Unilok
Plastic Tube Insert - Duolok
Description N/A Duolok Tube Insert, 1 Tube Insert x 3/4 Tube Insert, 316 SS N/A Duolok Tube Insert, 5/8 Tube Insert x 1/2 Tube Barb, Brass N/A Duolok Tube Insert, 3/4 Tube Insert x 5/8 Tube Barb, Brass N/A Duolok Tube Insert, 3/4 Tube Insert x 1/2 Tube Barb, Brass N/A Duolok Tube Insert, 3/16 Tube Insert x 1/8 Tube Barb, Brass
Body Material N/A 316 SS N/A Brass N/A Brass N/A Brass N/A Brass
Connection 1 - Type N/A Tube Insert
Connection 1 - Size N/A 1 in N/A 5/8 in N/A 3/4 in N/A 3/4 in N/A 3/16 in
Connection 2 - Type N/A Tube Barb
Connection 2 - Size N/A 3/4 in N/A 1/2 in N/A 5/8 in N/A 1/2 in N/A 1/8 in
Shape N/A Straight
E N/A 0.69 in N/A 0.44 in N/A 0.56 in N/A 0.44 in N/A 0.09 in
Barb OD N/A
Bore ID N/A
Tube ID N/A 3/4 in N/A 1/2 in N/A 5/8 in N/A 1/2 in N/A 1/8 in
End Connections N/A Tube Insert x Tube Insert N/A Tube Insert x Tube Barb N/A Tube Insert x Tube Barb N/A Tube Insert x Tube Barb N/A Tube Insert x Tube Barb