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SSP TurnPro Tube Fitting Gap Gauges ensure that tube fitting are properly tighted up.  The gage is a no-go gage, which means that when the fitting is properly tightened, the gage should not fit between the shoulder of the tube fitting and the fitting nut. 

  • 1/4 to 1 in. size (6 mm to 25 mm)
  • 3/4 and 1 in. (16 and 25 mm) sizes measure from both tradition and snug installation guide lines.
Gap Gage Catalog Image
Unit of Measure

Part #



Product Descriptions

TP-GG-468M10 N/A 1/4 - 1/2 in, 6 - 12 mm N/A TurnPro Tool N/A Gap Gauge
TP-GG-12 N/A 3/4 in, 18 mm N/A TurnPro Tool N/A Gap Gauge
TP-GG-16 N/A 1 in, 25 mm N/A TurnPro Tool N/A Gap Gauge
Unit of Measure